Anyone who shaves will experience skin irritation after shaving which is caused by dull razors, dry skin or skin sensitivity. Razor bumps, rash and dry, itching skin are common results from shaving. Your skin is the largest organ on your body, so expose it to quality products such as Moore Unique Ultimate Shaving Solution Package created by Dr. Milton Moore, an expert dermatologist. His products prepare the skin by cleansing it thoroughly; it gives you a close, smooth shave; and lastly, it prevents irritation, bumps and itching caused by improper shaving practices.
Always purchase a new quality multi blade razor and Moore Unique Hydro glide Ascend Shave Gel & Skin Enhancer to reduce irritation to your skin under all conditions. You can reuse a quality razor a few times if you take good care of it. Make sure to wash it after every swipe, clean it with rubbing alcohol to kill all the bacteria for extra precaution. To extend the life of your blades, store your razor in baby oil if possible.
By all means, let your hairs soften and stand up by using warm water. The moisture and steam from your bath or shower will cause your hairs to become soft. Remove any ingrown hairs with the Moore Unique Razor Bump Tool prior to shaving.
Exfoliate, I say! Men are guilty of skipping this imperative step. In fact, you should exfoliate both before and after you shave. It may seem like a waste of time, but your skin will be smoother and less prone to redness and irritation, and it prevents ingrown hairs. Pick up the Moore Unique Clear Skin & Daily Acne Wash which exfoliates dead skin and cleans pores. Visit to learn more about these great products designed for all ethnicities and skin types.