Colour Space: CMYK
Resolution: 300 dpi
Bleed: 0.25 inch all round
Crop Marks: not allowed
Full Page
Trim: W 8.875 inch x H 11.75 inch
Bleed (0.25 inch all round): W 9.375 inch x H 12.25 inch
Type Area: W 8.375 inch x H 11.25m
Type Area: W 16.75 inch x H 11.25m
A Two-Page spread
Trim: W 17.75 inch x H 11.75 inch
Bleed (0.25 inch all round): W 18.25 inch x H 12.25 inch
Type Area: W 16.75 inch x H 11.25m
Hot Product Highlight
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Hot Product Highlight E-blasts feature a video in one e-blast.
Please submit the following:
1. Subject and preheader copy;
3. Product name and ad copy – not to exceed 150 words;
4. Video should not exceed 2 minutes;
5. Preferred landing page links.
Note: Videos are designed as embeds that link to the OTC YouTube channel.