Behind every smooth-running operation is a leader who thrives on organization, efficiency, and teamwork. As the Director of Operations at Kaleidoscope Hair Products, LaTissue French ensures that everything—from warehouse logistics to product fulfillment—flows seamlessly. With a passion for structure and problem-solving, she keeps the team moving forward while embracing the dynamic nature of the beauty industry. In this exclusive feature, LaTissue shares a glimpse into her daily routine, the challenges she tackles, and the rewarding moments that make it all worthwhile.
OTC: What’s your title and role at the company? My title is Director of Operations. My role pretty much entails making sure that the warehouse runs smoothly, things are in and out, products are ordered as needed, and that the customers are getting everything that they asked for.
OTC: What inspired you to pursue a career in the beauty and hair care industry? To be honest, I did not have a true desire for beauty and hair, because I was mainly into logistics. But once I joined the Kaleidoscope Hair team, it peaked my interest! Now I’m trying to find out all things hair. Trying to learn how to comb my own hair!
OTC: Can you walk us through a typical day at work? What’s the first thing you do when you get to the office? A Typical day for me usually starts off with checking my emails and prioritizing my day. I see what I need to tackle first and get organized. But things never go smooth like that! As I prioritize the day…the fires start! So The list moves around a bit and I have to stay flexible.
Once I get settled down and know what my tasks are, I go to the warehouse and touch-base with the warehouse managers to check their needs. Once they’re taken care of, I return to my office to place orders, take meetings, and do things of that nature.
So that’s my day! My day usually starts around 8 am and ends around 6 pm… that’s a lie! It does not end!
OTC: How do you prioritize your tasks and responsibilities during the day? I am a big writer, I love to write down my tasks. Even though I have a task manager on my computer, I like to keep notes on both. I like to prioritize in writing and on calendars. That’s the go-to for me.
OTC: What’s your favorite part of the day at work, and why? I’m gonna take it back to when I first started. My favorite part was interacting with the team in the warehouse. Getting in with them and packing and pulling orders. Now I still love to walk around and interact with the warehouse team, it just happens less often. It’s the highlight of my day!
OTC: Can you share an exciting project or initiative you’re currently working on? Working along with the team for NPD has been very exciting. While it can also be anxiety-inducing, it’s fun to see the start to finish. This is my first year being this close to the NPD projects and seeing how everything comes together. I love being a part of all the different discussions.
OTC: What’s your favorite product, and how do you incorporate it into your daily routine? Now I can answer this question! Soulfed is my favorite collection. My favorite product out of the collection is the pecan oil. For my usual twist-out style, I’m using the Soulfed Peach Cobbler Gel Styler, Da Brat Yo Fav Wrapper Mousse, and the Soulfed Pecan Pie Growth Booster Oil. I mix the gel and the Da Brat foam while doing my 2-strand twists, and when I take it out, I use the pecan oil to refresh my hair.
OTC: How do you stay inspired and keep the creative energy flowing throughout your workday? I have a positive outlook, period. I’m always finding the good in everything that’s going on. Even if the day is at the height of having me at a 20/10, I make sure to reel it back in. I focus on what I can make happen. Because some of our days can really reach a peak. When everyone is asking for something from me, I go back to my list and see what I can handle and what I can fix now. I will refocus my list and prioritize the most important tasks first.
OTC: How would you describe the company culture, and how does it influence your approach to your work? So, since I have been here, I have always felt that the Kaleidoscope culture is family. We are all extremely close. We have no problem with calling each other’s phones at any time of the day or night just to bounce an idea or troubleshoot a problem. It is definitely a family-oriented feel here.
That’s why I have the relationship I have with my warehouse team. I’m proud to say I do not have turnover. My team stays pretty strong. We as a company moved to Atlanta in 2021, and one of our girls has been with us since then!
OTC: How does collaboration and teamwork factor into your daily routine? All of the departments have a role to play in what everyone does! I have to work with Sales because I have to make sure sales has everything that they need, and they give me a heads up. So when they tell me we have an event going on and our customers will probably order more products, I have to make sure I have more products available. They forecast and know what they need and give me a heads up.
The same goes for the Marketing team and their events. We have to work together to make sure I can provide what they need. Collaboration is big here, so we all need to work together.
OTC: Do you have any personal rituals or habits that help you stay balanced, motivated, and productive? My ritual is to listen to music in the morning to get my day going and to give me the motivation and energy that I need. If you start off the day dragging and complaining, the day is going to stay that way all the way through. So, I listen to uplifting music to get me through and get me started.
OTC: Looking ahead, what are you most excited about for the future in the coming year? In the coming year, I am excited to see the growth of the compnay. We have a lot of big things coming and I can’t wait to see them come to fruition. Our last big collection was Kaleidoscope X Da Brat and it has taken the world by storm! I am excited to see the new collections launch and see how well they perform. That’s really exciting for me!
OTC: After a busy day, how do you unwind and recharge? Usually, when I get home to unwind, it looks like getting in front of the television with a snack for a little while, and then I’m in the kitchen cooking. I cook every day, and that is relaxing for me. That is my wind down.
OTC: What’s the most rewarding part of your job? For my job, when I can say nobody is waiting on anything from me and that I’ve been able to answer all the questions…that’s rewarding. When no one has to say,” I asked you this but you never got me this.” To stay on schedule, stay on track, and get everyone what they need is very rewarding for me. I can forget things sometimes, so when I go through a week and haven’t forgotten anything, that is pure success!