Growing up we all had our bouts and fits with acne. Adolescence is already an awkward and confusing time for teens and acne can sometimes worsen their self confidence. Obtaining great skin takes patience, obedience, and dedication. If you’re a teen looking to solve your problem with blemishes or a parent looking to help your child, read the tips below to begin fighting against this common skin issue.
1. Make sure that the hands are clean when you touch your face. Special care has to be taken when touching the spotty areas.
2. Always use a Clear Essence dermatologist recommended product for cleansing, toning, treating and moisturizing.
3. Exercise regularly.
4. Stick to a diet rich in vegetables, salads and whole grains.
1. Touch or squeeze spots.
2. Go to bed without removing your make-up.
3. Scrub your face with harsh scrubs or rough sponges.
4. Use heavy comedogenic* creams and cosmetics. (*tending to cause blackheads by blocking pores)
Treatment Options
Salicylic Acid: Salicylic Acid is an anti-bacterial solution. That means that this
acne treatment fights germs that could be contributing to your acne. You can find this powerful ingredient within Clear Essence’s Blemish Control Wash Formula. The minty facial wash rids the skin of dirt, oil and bacteria after a long day.
Antibiotics: Occasionally, your dermatologist might prescribe an antibiotic to be taken by mouth.
Oral antibiotics you might be prescribed include:
Tetracycline, doxycycline, or minocycline, Erythromycin
Topical antibiotics include:
Azelaic acid
Sodium sulfacetamide
Topical sulfur products: Many over-the-counter soaps and anti-acne creams contain sulfur, which has been in use as an acne treatment for half a century. Try the Clear Essence Medicated Cleansing Bar which has tiny exfoliating beads that remove dirt and dead skin cells that often clog pores.
No matter what acne treatment is used, if it is not working and you continue to suffer from bouts of acne, talk to your doctor. You may need to step up your program, or change it around a little for best results.