Can DNA-Based Skin Care Give You the Perfect Skin?

I Tried It and This is What Happened

When you’re a teenager, there’s nothing more frustrating than getting a face full of acne. This dermatological attack often comes at the worst of times – right before a big date or just in time for a major event. During those years, you can attribute these breakouts to youth and hormones. But what do you do when that same cystic acne makes an appearance when you’re in your mid-30s?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried hundreds of products and spent thousands of dollars trying to find the Holy Grail potion to give you that flawless, glowy complexion that only celebrities seem to have. After wasting embarrassing amounts of money on this quest, I learned about the HomeDNA Skin Care Analysis + Report ($99). That’s right, skin care based on your own unique, genetic code.

The concept is simple: your skin’s health is etched in your DNA and this analysis can help you identify its genetic potential in seven key categories: Fine Lines & Wrinkles, Sun Protection, Skin Sensitivity, Sun Protection, Skin Elasticity, Pigmentation, Collagen Quality and Skin Antioxidants. Decode the DNA and arm yourself with the necessary knowledge needed to conquer your skin woes. All I had to do was register my kit online, send off a sample of my DNA (a few quick swipes with a cheek swab did the trick), then ship off the samples to a lab to be analyzed.

After receiving my detailed, 11-page report, I decided to adhere to the recommendations and made some adjustments to my beauty routine. Here’s what happened for each category:

Skin Elasticity, Pigmentation and Skin Antioxidants

Skin Elasticity deals with your skin’s ability to stretch and return to its original shape. Pigmentation relates to irregular melanin production that can be a factor in uneven skin tone and pigmentation – think: freckles, age spots and rough skin texture. And Antioxidants help protect your skin against free-radical damage. Thankfully, my genes indicated a low risk for these issues.

Facelift and laser therapy averted.


Fine Lines & Wrinkles

The Results: Blood sugar levels can affect the appearance of your skin, in addition to your overall health. My results indicated that my risk for this category was low.

The Recommendation: While I was not at a high risk for this category, the analysis suggested I use preventative antioxidants such as vitamins C and E to prevent any premature signs of aging. So I invested in a serum that was chock full of Vitamin C. It’s a bit too early to tell how much of a difference this will make for my wrinkles, as I currently have none. However, my skin was much brighter after using it for one month.


Sun Protection

The Results: UV rays from sunlight play a role in skin aging. My results indicated that I do carry some gene variations that can weaken my skin’s natural protection against the sun.

The Recommendation: I’ve got 99 skin problems, but leathery skin will not be one. The analysis suggested I try an assortment of topical products with ingredients like berulic acid to restore collagen synthesis after UV exposure and pomegranate to prevent sunlight damage after exposure. As for supplements, beta carotene was recommended to fight against UV exposure and Vitamin D was suggested to make up for a lack of sun exposure. I was able to acquire some Vitamin D as I spend more time indoors than out. Hopefully, with sunscreen and an assortment of hats, my skin will be okay in this category.


Skin Sensitivity

The Results: Skin sensitivity can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics. And according to my results, my skin has some gene variations that may trigger unwanted skin sensitivity. This category really caught my attention, as the littlest of things cause my skin to become red and itchy.

The Recommendations: The analysis suggested I look for products with grape seed oil, hyaluronic acid and alga extract to retain moisture and act as an inflammatory agent. I found an oil that contains hyaluronic acid and used that twice a day. I thought my skin, known for its greasy tendencies, would be extremely oily afterward. Instead, my skin was moisturized and supple. Not to mention I have a bit of a glow now. I also took note of my skin’s predisposition for irritation and switched from tap water to distilled water when washing my face. My face hasn’t been irritated in weeks. #DreamsDoComeTrue


Collagen Quality

The Results: This category relates to collagen – a major protein found in the skin. It’s the stuff that gives skin its smooth, plump, youthful appearance and keeps it feeling full and firm. That’s the good stuff that people try to hold onto, but unfortunately, my DNA indicates that my collagen quality may decline quicker than the average.  That means premature skin sagging, scarring and skin hollowing.

The Recommendations: HomeDNA recommends I use topical products with beptides and alpha lipoic acid – to name a few. Both promote collagen synthesis and jumpstarts the body’s ability to produce more collagen. As for treatments, Glycolic Acid and Skin Needling were among the top recommendations.

Having tried Glycolic Acid peels in the past, I always found them to be a bit too harsh for my skin. However, I incorporated some toner pads into my regimen that contain this acid. By using this every other day, my skin was not irritated after use and my acne scars are fading rather quickly.

Overall, I found this test to be very effective in narrowing down my skin care products and helping me make more educated decisions regarding my regimen. My skin isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Clearly, when it comes to beauty, knowledge is definitely power.

To try HomeDNA Skin Care Analysis + Report for yourself, look for it at your local OTC store.

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