Seven Tips to Staying Fresh-Faced While Flying

S  o you’re getting ready to go on a vacation, or perhaps you have to catch
a red-eye for a quick business trip. Whatever the reason, if you’re getting on an airplane, it’s time to double-down on your skin care.
There are simple steps you can take pre, during, and post-flight so that whether it is for business or pleasure, your skin lets you put your best face forward.

1. Pre-Pack – Avoid the last-minute scramble trying to get your favorite lotion into one of those little bottles. Keep a pre-packed, TSA compliant beauty bag at home stocked with the essentials: face cleanser, moisturizer and travel-size versions of your regular makeup.

2. Go bare – Give your skin a breather while flying. Instead, break out your beauty bag and apply light makeup when you arrive at your destination. If going completely bare seems too daring, apply an oil-free moisturizer, a light lip gloss and a good blemish base before your flight. Try a lip product such as Neutrogena Naturals Lip Balm to keep your lips moist. But, definitely skip foundation, eye makeup and the rest of the works so they are not sitting on your skin throughout your flight.

3. Bring Your Own Pillowcase – Reduce your exposure to bacteria and allergens on the plane. Pack a pillowcase in your carry-on and use it. Also, pack a light shawl that you can use instead of the airplane blanket. Use anti-bacterial wipes on tray tables, as well as on the phone and remote control when you get to your hotel room.
4. Choose Liquids Wisely – Avoid or limit caffeine and alcohol. Sip green tea, mineral water or plain water without ice instead. If you can’t resist coffee or a glass of wine, make sure to “pre-drink” an equal amount of water to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

5. Moisturize and Refresh – Pack a multi-tasking product such as Aquaphor and apply it to your lips, nostrils and cuticles to combat dry, germ-filled air that recirculates in the airplane cabin. Consider packing a small washcloth in a baggie so you can dip it in bottled water to refresh your face.

6. Pack Your Own Food – Skip the salted chips and other junk-food snacks that can play havoc with your skin. Instead, bring your own healthy snacks; apples, carrots, sliced turkey, low-fat cheese or unsalted nuts, for instance.

7. Finally, don’t forget the SPF 30 sunscreen – Whether you are headed for the beach, the ski slope, or planning to stroll the boulevards of Paris, you are going to need it.

Travel can be stressful and hard on the skin, but a few precautions can help you stay on track.


Dr. Barney Kenet is a board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic dermatology and in the diagnosis of melanoma and other skin cancers. He has been in private practice in Manhattan for over 20 years, is the author of numerous books and educational materials, and is currently the president of the American Melanoma Foundation.

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October 2024


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