The Lasting Impact of Generosity:
10 Ways to Give Back to Your Community

Giving back can have a positive impact on your life and your business. Studies have shown that being in service to others can reduce stress, plus it shows your customers you care about the community.

Here are ten ways you can give back:

  1. Donate as a Team
    Pick a few causes that you feel strongly about. Then make a list of non-profits and ask your employee’s opinions or take a vote on which charity you will donate to for the year.
  2. Offer Your Products
    Offering your products or services is a great way to give back to your community. You could contact a local homeless shelter to find out what grooming tools might be helpful and make small individual bags to donate.
  3. Meal Donation
    Cater lunch or dinner for the staff of a non-profit whose cause is close to your heart.
  4. Support Another Small Business
    Spend time supporting and buying from other local small businesses.
  5. Mentorship
    Offer to mentor someone just getting started in the beauty industry.
  6. Elderly Community Center
    Volunteer by yourself or as a company to help with errands or events.
  7. Food Bank
    Donate canned goods to your local food bank.
  8. Homeless Shelter
    Help serve food or offer to help set up events at a local shelter.
  9. Meaningful Letter Writing
    Write nice letters or donate toys and other needed items to a Children’s hospital.
  10. Good Will
    Donate beauty products, clothing, and coats.

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OTC Beauty Magazine

October 2024


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