Cause-Related Beauty Trends

The beauty industry is usually known for its charitable contributions and cause-related marketing efforts. From the early days of free Back to School “Curl-A-Thons” many firms have sought to give back to their consumers. In today’s market, beauty industry firms offer a variety of philanthropic promotions. These programs target the issues most relevant to their target consumers. Charitable programs are good business: Over 87 percent of consumers make their purchase decisions associated with a relevant cause. Over 70 percent believe companies have an obligation to take actions that will improve community concerns. Many programs heighten brand awareness. Some may focus on cultural or religious festivities while others may connect a brand with a mission. Consumers need to know that the OTC and the marketer are in touch and aware.

One of the most popular cause-related marketing efforts supports the National Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Major beauty brands participate every year on a national level—Aveda, Clinique, Conair and Estee Lauder. Other popular philanthropic efforts involve awareness and education involving AIDS, Autism, Diabetes, and Cancer. National philanthropy may link purchases and promotional programs to key environmental concerns. To be a good corporate citizen, every manufacturer should associate with a cause whether related to health, social or environmental matters.

Charity begins in the neighborhood. Local OTC programs involve donations, local events, or other fundraising efforts. Every customer is watching to see if there is a spirit of charity where they shop. Many marketers identify health related issues that index higher among their consumer groups. Other marketers may want to provide local community efforts which could involve the local OTC stores. Specialty holidays like Cinco de Mayo or Juneteenth would be ideal. Many causes are beauty causes. For instance hair loss or anti-aging. Whatever the cause, there is a charitable connection for every marketer and retailer.

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OTC Beauty Magazine

March 2025


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